About Us

Track Busway distributes overhead power distribution systems that provide reliable, flexible power for a wide range of devices, including lighting, AV, security, and drop-down power to the floor.

xLine track busway has been trusted by leading retailers in thousands of locations since 2004. Now, xLine is making their track busway available online and exclusively through TrackBusway.com.

Trackbusway.com is the only authorized online marketplace for xLine products. With short, 10-working-day lead times (upon order confirmation), Track Busway supplies the 'Power to the People'.

20+ Year History; Clients Include...

Customer Service

At Track Busway, we respect everyone involved in bringing a project to life.

Respect the Contractor

Here at Track Busway we Respect the Contractor. A complete set of project-specific installation drawings are available upon request. Be confident in our accurate bill of materials - with the precise quantity of each part and broken out by row(s)/column(s).

Respect the Specifier

The xLine Track Busway system includes only a few modular parts. These components are available as Revit Families for a specifier's use in designing their project.

In addition to the electro-mechanical system, plug & play attachments are available as Revit Families. In fact, Revit Families of xLine READY LIGHTs are available upon request with built-in IES photometrics.

Respect the End-User

In addition to the clean integrated aesthetic, an end-user will appreciate the functionality, and flexibility afforded by track busway systems.

For interactive examples of track busway's clean architectural aesthetic, and multi-purpose functionality, check out the xLine Track Busway configurator.