Steel v Aluminum Track Busway

Steel v Aluminum Track Busway

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Comparing Track Busway Power Distribution Systems

Where power is located in a space can become a hurdle that is costly overcome. To add flexibility to your distribution of power, modern track busway systems have emerged. Insulated busbars in steel or aluminum housing, simplify the task.

To help you purchase the option that makes the most sense for your needs, here is a comparison putting steel against aluminum track busway.

How The Tracks Are Made

Aluminum Track Busway: This variant is made using extruded aluminum, which houses (4) insulated copper conductors. Given the aluminum material, it is a lightweight architectural system. 

Steel Track Busway: While this system also includes a continuous open slot with insulated copper conductors, the housing leverages 12-gauge steel. This offers modularity, with the inherent durability of a steel strut, perfect for demanding environments.

Manufacturing Steel

Amperage and Voltage

How much power can you expect from each type; and what does that mean for your applications? Let’s break it down. 

Aluminum Track Busway

The 4-wire aluminum busway is available in a wide variety of sizes to meet different amperage requirements: 

  • T1 Series - Designed for 40 to 60A applications

  • T2 Series - Designed for 60 to 100A applications

  • T3 Series - Supports loads between 100 and 225A

  • T4/T5 Series - Offers higher capacity, scaling up to 1250A

Steel Track Busway 

This system takes a different approach by leveraging modularity. Each straight section comes with three #8 AWG conductors. When stacked, you get an additional three wires, giving you up to 6 on each section.

At a rating of 40A for each conductor, a double-deck configuration can easily handle up to 160A across four circuits.

If you need more power, add an extra feed by simply taking off the electrical insert from the sleeve to access the circuitry and isolate it with the built-in blocks. Now, you’re ready to add an extra feed.

To comply with regulations, both systems are listed to UL 857 standards for busway applications and are rated for up to 600V, ensuring that they can cover a wide range of equipment and use cases.


At any point along the continuous access slot running the length of track busway, plug-in units can be easily installed or repositioned. Both Steel and aluminum track busway enables quick reconfigurations without power interruptions.

Steel Track Busways features unique single-circuit plug-ins capable of tapping any circuit, no keyed fittings like you find with aluminum track busway. 

Another advantage in flexibility with Steel Track Busway systems are over/under intersections, allowing for lengths to be precisely located. These 'bridge' lengths can slide into place, thereby ensuring power to your equipment directly overhead.

Unique Features

Both systems are designed with flexibility in-mind. Plug-in units leverage the open access slot with a turn-and-lock mechanism for tool-free installation. Though each system does have some unique features:

Unique to Steel Track Busway:

  • Over/under intersections allow track busway to be precisely located now, and in the future.

  • Single lengths can be stacked in-the-field for additional double-deck wiring capacity.

Unique to Aluminum Track Busway

  • Various models for increasing ampacity up to 1250A. Capable of reducing the number of homerun power feeds required in data centers.

  • Built-in metering options to allow for real-time power monitoring

Trunking Track Busway

Maintenance and Installation

Aluminum track busways typically have no nuts or bolts in the joints that would need to be tightened periodically, making it technically a maintenance free product. Aluminum offers fast installation times. 

Steel Track Busway is the kind of system that can be easily installed and with minimal maintenance. The strong structural properties of steel make the maintenance and installation of the system very efficient. 

Typical Process

The installation process of a track busway system is designed to be simple and with the least possible disruption to labor and downtime. The following are the basic steps and guidelines for a standard installation:

  1. Preparation

    • Examine the layout and get measurements for the lengths and components required.

    • Mark locations suitable for suspension points, aligning with structural support features such as beams or studs.

  2. Suspension System Installation

    • Install hangers at intervals of typically 10 feet, or the manufacturer’s recommended length.

    • Ensure that no more than 100 pounds of loads is placed between supports to comply with UL regulations.

  3. Track Assembly

    • Use the mechanical connector to secure the abutting lengths together. 
    • After installing the mechanical joiner, plug-in electromechanical components to electrically connect the abutting sections together.
  4. Plug-in Installation

    • Add power drops or other plug-ins into the access slots as instructed by the project specific drawings.

    • Ensure the units are distributed evenly among available circuitry to avoid overloading sections.

  5. Lighting Fixtures

    • Your lighting can be plugged into the rails directly, reducing the need for wiring or rigid power drops that require too much time to move.

  6. Testing and Commissioning

    • The system should be checked to ensure connections are safe to users and the fixtures are secured properly. 

    • Connect the system to power and test the plug-in units, including lighting (if applicable), to ensure everything works as intended. 

Installation is best done by professionals following manufacturers’ guidelines for speed and efficiency, to minimize disruption or downtime.

The Cost of Steel vs Aluminum Track Busway in 2019

Here is a cost breakdown comparing steel vs aluminum track busways, to help you make an informed choice regarding budgeting:

SystemComponents IncludedTotal Cost (USD)Price per Linear Foot (USD)
Aluminum Track Busway (100A)Straight Section, Joiner, Feed, 2 End Caps$1,652.00$165.20
Aluminum Track Busway (225A)Straight Section, Joiner, Feed, 2 End Caps$2,083.00$208.30
Aluminum Track Busway (250A)Straight Section, Joiner, Feed, 2 End Caps$2,620.00$262.00
Aluminum Track Busway (400A)Straight Section, Joiner, Feed, 2 End Caps$4,227.00$422.70
Steel Track Busway (40A) Single-PhaseStraight Section, Joiner, Feed, 2 End Caps$315.48$31.55
Steel Track Busway (40A) 3-Phase10 ft Section, Double-Deck Joiner, Feed$630.95$63.10

As the comparison shows, opting for the steel-based modular power delivery system is significantly less in material cost. Aluminum track busway only makes financial sense if requiring extremely dense power delivery.


Where would you find track busways? Well, thanks to their versatility and ease of integration, they have made their way into:

Data Centers

Track busway systems are typically recognized for their ability to provide versatile power distribution in data centers, but they are also useful for lighting solutions. These systems provide overhead power distribution with easily accessible access slots that change with alterations in server configurations for data center use. Additionally, the lighting capabilities of overhead track busways are useful for data center applications.

Industrial facilities

Flexible power distribution is a must in industrial facilities. Some of those industrial use-cases include:

  • Manufacturing - Let your power distribution follow the work wherever it is happening on the floor. Want to change a production line? It should be a breeze as you can quickly tap power overhead and scale-up capacity for more powerful machines to stay competitive.

  • Warehousing - In this environment, things are constantly coming and going, which calls for adaptable power for the various workstations, lighting, conveyor belts, and so on. The capacity to support automation, such as AGVs and robotics means that these environments can benefit greatly from enhanced power delivery systems.
  • Assembly Lines - On an assembly line, quickly reconfiguring layouts is the best way to get your product out the door. The adaptability of mobile workstations and power tools streamlines the process of putting together your products while improving worker safety and comfort.

The Choice Comes Down To What Fits Your Needs Best

Both aluminum and steel track busways move you forward and away from the rigidity and time-consuming nature of pipe-and-wire setups. They each cater to different project requirements.

The owner thinking about a broad range of amperage options with a lightweight, maintenance-free design may find the aluminum option more appealing than steel, which relies more on modularity and provides unmatched layout flexibility.

The choice will depend on the project’s demands. What will your project benefit the most from? The power demands or desired level of adaptability have to be taken into account.

Upgrade your power today and empower your business to move ahead and stay ahead. 

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