Collection: Fewer Support Points (10' Max)

Do More with Less

Track Busway requires a fraction of the hang points, meaning a fraction of the installation time is spent hanging and leveling.

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Hang Directly from Structure

With a Steel Track Busway GRID, either the rows or columns will always run perpendicular to the building structure, allowing for simplified hanging configurations. These grids are designed to be supported by just one direction—either the rows or the columns—minimizing the need for additional structural connections. Our innovative hangers can slide along the track to align perfectly beneath the structure, ensuring secure and efficient support, regardless of the grid's intersections.

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Integrate your Decor

Save Time and Money

Save time and cut material costs with Steel Track Busway, an innovative system that blends architectural design with modular simplicity. Traditional building methods often require separate systems for decor and functionality, but with Steel Track Busway, you have an all-in-one, customizable solution perfect for commercial spaces!

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Seamlessly Integrate Decorative Elements

Discover how Steel Track Busway can enhance your resources and work to simplify the distribution of power, lighting, data, and decor throughout your facility.

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